GenesisGlam Photography
313-478-2331 /

Model / Actor Headshots and Portfolio shoot-
    *Headshot Session- (about 2hrs)                       $150.00                   
    Model Portfolio (1 specific look)**                        $75.00
    Model Portfolio (3 looks)**                                  $175.00
    Make-up (per look)                                               $25.00
    Make-up (3 looks)                                                 $60.00
* Includes CD of (watermarked) proofs, and 2 choice  8x10 prints, on a simple set white or black backdrop in studio or 1 location.
Headshot packs 8x10 prints available in sets of 50 or 100, extra.

**Model Portfolio shoot include CD of (watermarked) proofs, and 1- 11x14 print per look.
Extra 11x14 prints available for  $35.00 each, (8x10s $25.00).
Compcards also available- 50ct appox. $75.00.
- TFCD deal possible for needed topics of Photographer (such as fitness, beauty, role playing).

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